The Palos Verdes Little League (PVLL) is unique in our area in that we have youth announcers for each of our main field (Valmonte) games.
The purpose of this page is to ensure that you (and your parents) understand both the benefits and responsibilities that come with participation in PVLL’s Announcer Program. As a participant in the program, you are responsible for your actions at the field; as an announcer you will be representing PVLL with what you say and do. That is a BIG responsibility! We want you to both be aware of this responsibility as well as PVLL’s appreciation for your having accepted it.
As a Youth Announcer, you will:
- Follow clearly defined procedures and youth announcer rules without exception.
- It is IMPORTANT that you show up to work the games you are scheduled! IF you cannot fulfill your commitment, please contact the Youth Announcer coordinator IMMEDIATELY by cell phone to ensure game coverage. Contact Mrs. Eroen at (310)-990- 2873 ASAP if unable to work scheduled shift.
- Be responsible and accountable (i.e., show up for games you are scheduled to work)
- Pay attention to the game and make sure you are doing your job correctly and with enthusiasm.
- Work in a professional manner with a positive attitude.
- Be dedicated and have the self-control necessary to meet the job requirements.
- Arrive 30 minutes before start of the scheduled game.
- Speak clearly and make an effort to be sure you are heard and understood.
- Play appropriate music of your choosing before and after games and between innings.
- Will not play music containing profanity, sexual or inappropriate content.
- Select music most likely to appeal to the audience (parents, players, other spectators) and use music to create a positive, energetic environment at the Valmonte field.
- SIGN IN for their shifts in the snack shack at their assigned field.
- Youth announcers may choose to bring ONE (and only ONE) friend to help them announce the game. The friend will not be compensated for their time. IF more than ONE friend is brought into the announcers booth, then that will be grounds to terminate your ability to announce future games.
- Keep announcer door closed and keep loiters around the ladder out.
- Will not unplug or remove any equipment from the announcing booth.
- Will keep AUX chords away from tower doors.
- Will obtain lineups from each team manager. Read each player’s name out load to manager or scorekeeper for correct pronunciation.
- Will adhere the numbered name-plate to corresponding Senate Seat.
- Will play music before, between innings, after games.
- Will announce the pitcher, catcher and the score at the start of each inning.
- Will announce the name of every player coming at to bat.
- Will stay after game, keep music playing, while attending to closing duties. On Saturdays, stay until the next announcer arrives for his/her game.
- Will collect Senate Seat name plates and return to plastic container in booth.
- Will discard trash from booth.
- Will close tower doors, lock booth, and return key to snack shack.
If you are interested in being a Youth Announcer you must meet the following requirements:
- You play(ed) for PVLL, are 13 years of age AND in 7th grade or older, fulfilled training and shadowed an Announcer.
- You possess individual responsibility and accountability.
- You possess the dedication and self-control necessary to meet the job requirements.
- Have a completed Youth Announcer Application on file
- You are able to attend all associated training sessions.
- All announcers must have an iPod or compatible MP3 player and the ability to create a file of appropriate, upbeat game day music.
The PVLL Youth Announcer Coordinator conducts scheduling to ensure game coverage. Online scheduling will be conducted to ensure coverage of all PVLL games at Valmonte Field. Online scheduling requirements are to be respected and followed.
All youth announcers must attend PVLL Youth Announcer training each year before they can announce a game. The training consists of agreement review and technical overview of the announcers booth.
Date & Time TBD
Valmonte Field Bleachers
Youth Announcers will be compensated at the rate shown below. In addition, Youth Announcers are eligible to receive one (1) hamburger or hot dog and one (1) drink from the snack shack at their scheduled game field.
Youth Announcer - $25 per game
If a game is cancelled at the last minute due to weather and/or other reasons, the Youth Announcer will be compensated for their time as scheduled.
In order for payment to be made, Youth Announcers MUST sign-in on the Youth Announcer Log located in the snack shack.
To be considered for an opportunity to be a youth announcer, completed Youth Announcer Agreements must be sent/turned in to the youth announcer director no later than Wednesday, January 22th. Interested participants that do not have a completed agreement submitted by this date will be accepted on a needs basis only. Please enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope with your signed agreement. A downloadable PDF of the agreement can be found on this page.
Holly Eroen
[email protected]